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AK Vet Med, s.r.o. is preparing a congress "Holistic Approaches to Canine Musculoskeletal Health: From Prevention to Recovery", which will be presented for the first time in the Czech Republic by Jana Gams, DVM, CCRP. The whole congress will be simultaneously interpreted into Czech. You can register for the congress HERE.

  Jana Gams, DVM, CCRP

Jana Gams, DVM, CCRP, is the founder of Dogs4motion, a dog rehabilitation and sports medicine centre in Slovenia. She is an active competitor in agility and FCI obedience at international level and combines this with her professional field of work in veterinary rehabilitation/sports medicine. Jana works daily with sporting dogs, including participants of World Agility, Obedience and IGP Championships and other major international events.

Jana Gams is known from the online platform, which provides useful information and knowledge in the form of training courses, self-study materials and webinars for dog owners.

Jana Gams is a veterinarian (DVM) since 2017, certified canine rehabilitation practitioner (CCRP) since 2019, FCI licensed instructor for agility, Obedience and Rally-O. She also actively participates in agility and FCI obedience competitions. He has been lecturing at various conferences since 2016 (e.g. 1st IAVPRT / 6th VEPRA Veterinary Conference for Sports medicine and Rehabilitation, Ghent, Belgium (September 2019), EERVC, Eastern European Regional Veterinary Conference - Zagreb (CRO), September 2018, etc.).

Here we can also learn something about Jana. Let us put here a translation from the website. We think it best describes Jana Gams.

"My cynological journey started more than ten years ago (2004 - author's note) when I saved enough money as a young girl to buy my first dog - a Westie. Since I never wanted "just a dog", I decided to learn more about dog training - and together we learned a lot of things about problem solving, got a taste of competition and the first heeling stages, and proved (mostly to ourselves) that anything can be achieved with will and effort.

My life was also connected with animals when I enrolled at the faculty - I obviously chose the profession of a veterinarian. Later on, Brie and Genie, two border collies, joined us and opened the door to all kinds of dog sports for me: agility, FCI obedience, rally, sheepdog, dogfrisbee, dogdance, canicross and more and more... - but eventually we competed only in agility and FCI obedience for several years in a row. Because I soon realized I wanted to combine my passion with my profession, and because I believe that one must never stop learning, I signed up for continuing education to become a CCRP (Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner) at the University of Tennessee - and now I want to capitalize on my knowledge and offer it to all who need and seek such services.

I like to spend active time with my dogs and my wish is to use my knowledge to enable other people to spend pleasant moments with their four-legged friends as long and as well as possible - whether on regular walks or during other activities and dog sports." offers online dog training courses.

Courses devoted to the conditioning of dogs:

  • Fundamentals K9 Conditioning course
  • Agility Dynamics in Control course (Agility Dynamics in Control course)
  • Fundamentals K9 Conditioning course for Senior
  • Conditioning course for Puppies
  • Foundations of Agility Fitness
  • Let´s Learn Dog Massage
  • Agility Specific Warm-Up/Cool-Down Routine
  • Obedience specific Warm-Up/Cool-Down Routine

Courses dedicated to agility:

  • Essential Agility Training Skills
  • Agility Dynamics in Control course (Agility Dynamics in Control course)
  • Puppy Goals for Agility
  • Agility Specific Warm-Up/Cool-Down Routine
  • Solid Startline Stay
  • 5 Steps to Better Jump Performance